Rental rate prices displayed are AUD and were available in response to a search at 12:01 am on March 24, 2025 by an Australian resident aged between 30 and 69 years old, for the specified travel dates, with a pickup and return time of 10:00 am. Rates and vehicle availability may change without notice. Use our price comparison tool to get current rental rates. Rates include all mandatory fees for the rental and exclude credit card surcharges and extras.
Rates are in AUD and were last updated on 24 March, 2025
Here’s what VroomVroomVroom customers think
We ask users of our booking service to review it after they've completed their reservation. We present a selection of reviews on this page. Our review scores are calculated by averaging the scores of all the reviews that we collect. We don't publish reviews that violate our guidelines. To learn more about guidelines and our reviews generally, visit Terms and Conditions.
Learn more about our reviews.
🚗 Vehicle types | Car and SUV. |
🔑 No. of depots | One car rental depot at Langkawi International Airport. |
✅ Rental brands | Europcar. |
Nissan Almera 1.5
1 small
Nissan X Trail 2.0
2 small
Perodua Bezza 1.3
1 small
Proton Persona 1.6 A
2 small
“Or similar” refers to how our rental providers classify cars. Please be advised they cannot guarantee that a specific car model will be available. Partners categorise similar models into “vehicle groups” and confirm availability on this basis. Our team are available to contact the depot on your behalf where you are picking up your vehicle to enquire what models are available under the vehicle group you booked. Please contact customer support for further information.
Vehicle models are subject to provider availability
Car hire depots at Langkawi Airport are marked on the map below.
On airport • Langkawi Airport Terminal
Today • 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Today •8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
We ask customers to review the provider's depot experience after they've returned their rental vehicle. The review scores are calculated by averaging the scores of the reviews that we collect. For more information please read our Terms and Conditions.
Learn more about depot reviews.
On hiring a car at Langkawi Airport
Prices start at MYR $125 per day for an Economy Car, up to MYR $198 per day for a Standard SUV. Get a live rate for your planned dates and desired vehicle at Langkawi International Airport.
The per-day rates of some rental cars may fall if you book for a longer rental period. Prices often change around daily, three-day, five-day and seven-day periods. Also, note that the selection of rental cars available at Langkawi Airport may be more limited if you are looking for a long-term car rental, so it’s best to compare a few different booking durations first.
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